Money: 8482gp, 8sp Magic items: Arrows +1 (6) Arrows +2 (10) Bag of holding 2500 Immovable rod 7500 Mighty +1 comp shortbow +1 Potion of invis x2 Potion Bull's Strength x2 Potion Cat's Grace Potion Eagle's Splendor Potion Fox's Cunning Potion Owl's Wisdom Consort's armor, elven mail, 15% spellF, -1 CP, +6max dex AC 6 (Belongs to Ayhlanne) Mundane items: Alchemist's fire x5 Amazing lock Backpack Bedroll x2 Bit and bridle Blanket Climber's kit Cold Weather outfit x2 Disguise kit x9/10 Fishing net Flint and steel Grappling hook x2 Healer's kit Holy water x9 Hooch x2 Hooded Lantern x2 Ink x5 Inkpen Magnifying glass Masterwork arrows x79 Masterwork manacles Masterwork thieves' tools Merchant's scale Mighty +3 comp longbow Military Saddle x2 Mug Oil Paper x10 Parchment x10 Pouch x2 Sack x5 Saddlebags x2 Short sword +2 Silk rope Silver arrows x19 Small steel mirror Soap Spell component pouch Tent x2 Trail Rations x27 Traveler's outfit Waterskin Wine x4 Wizard's spellbook